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Insights from User Journey Map

Users generally use two methods to plan a tour and find the budget.


Reach out to relatives and friends.


Internet search.

Where can I go in my budget?

Is my budget enough to travel to the tourist spot?

Both of these methods are full of hustle and require lots of time. In this process, users try to find of the answers to these questions.

Business Goal

This product is centered around solving the problems of tourists and especially families with limited vacation budgets. Making available Air transportation, Bus transportation, Launch transportation, rental Car, rental Bike, Stays, tourism plans, etc at an affordable price. Affordable one-stop platform for tourists.

Business Analysis

A one-stop solution for tourist

Touch - A tourist App


I have created a representative for my guidance mentioning user goals, pain points, and scenarios. This is the result of my activities have done in the discovery phase.




Touch is a one-stop solution for multiple tourist problems. I have worked with stakeholders and developers to merge business goals and user goals together and kept users forward and center. I have focused on the problems of tourists from their planning to the end. I have conducted secondary desk research and used insights from my previous Airbnb case study. I have prioritized and classified all discovered pain points and solved a particular problem when working on related parts of the app.

Project Overview


UX Designer


  1. Solo UX designer and 8 different services.

  2. Focusing on the User Experience of every edge detail while working on a problem with multiple sub-problems.

  3. No researcher and no research budget.

Competitor audit

I did a competitor analysis of our competitor to (1)understand system flow and (2)discover insights.

Secondary Desk Research

I want to explore more about the problem so that I can provide a seamless experience to our users. I have identified a few pain points and needs from my desk research.



It’s very expensive to travel with family and kids.


Hard to find a kid-friendly place where kid and family enjoy their weekend.


Adjusting travel dates to find the perfect flight.

​What is affordance?

Affordance doesn’t mean the cheapest one but which comes within the budget.

1. User/System Flow

​This was the result of competitor analysis but there were lots of changes I made according to design requirements.

2. Insights

  • Jumping around many websites or pages Aka many touchpoints.

  • Difficult to find necessary information like room and bathroom details.

  • Loads of information and hard to analyze.

  • Long details page which requires a long scroll to reach the destination touch point.

  • Input the same information again and again to book.

  • No direct info on indicating child-friendly tourist places.

  • Have to go back to the home page to get another service after getting service.


Can't focus on so many problems together. So, I split the project into 9 parts and focused one by one.

Shafqat Rahman has a family of 4
who wants to travel and stay at an affordable price
so that he can take his family on a vacation tour.


User Journey Map

To go deep into the Users’ affordance problems I created a user journey map. I have looked in into our users' general journey from the start to the end of the tourism task. I have looked into every aspect of the user journey. Not only the booking task but also the beginning, middle, and end tasks which lead me to many insights on how I can make a smooth transaction between a task, and how I can reduce user touchpoints. and more.

Paper wireframes

I start to find the answer to these questions with pencil and paper.

<Notification Alert to book a rental Vehicle

After a long journey, users have to follow all the steps to book a rental vehicle to reach their hotel. This easy notification will deliver on flight landing time and the user can directly jump to the search page. They don’t need to open the app, then click on the icon to go to the search page.

Auto current pick-up point >

The starting location will be auto-fill to save users’ energy and reduce touch points.

​​Now it's easy to find out the travel budget and deals in your Budget.

​​Now users don't need to visit multiple apps or websites to find the budget for their travel destination. They can find the budget in a few taps and deals within their budget.

​Easy to Adjust the date with Price indication to find an affordable deals.

Often users have to adjust their departing date. Sometimes because of no flight availability and sometimes because of price. I have made it easy for them. Price indication will them find an affordable deal.

Book a play to stay

​Easy filter to find the best place to stay during their journey. Necessary information is shown in tags like "Best Deal", "Child-friendly", etc.

One-stop solution for multiple tourist problems.

​Users can book flights, stays, vehicles, and launches. First, they can find a good tourist spot and budget. Then affordable deals in their budget.

​Check Hotel facilities and packages.

Tried to overcome long text so that user don't spend their valuable time reading.

Redirect to next flow >

Generally, users need to go back to the home page to choose another service after completing one. But here I make that path easy for users.

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