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An officer who often goes on business trips
needs a feature that will help to find a better hotel location
because he doesn't want to waste his time and money on transportation and doesn't also want to stay at a boring place.



​To find out possible solutions, I created a close-up story about how the users might use or interact with the app. It gave me a lot of insights and ideas to create possible solutions.

after conducting a heuristic evaluation with these 3 wireframes, I choose a paper wireframe to build a high fidelity design.


I have converted the chosen paper wireframe to high fidelity design. I also work on details and consider design heuristics and tried to make the design user-friendly.

Can you tell the distance by looking at the map?

Users said distance is very important for them, cause they want to live near their activity place. Now the cards will show the distance. So that users can see whether the hotel is near or far from their activity place.

Why did I choose the minute instead of the kilometer or meter?

Because I don’t want users to do math calculations. If I show the distance in Kilometer or meters. They will try to calclute and figure out how long it will take to reach their destiny. So why don’t we just show the answer? Also, many users maybe can’t guess because they aren't used to it.

See and filter nearest places, cafe and more

To make the finding easier I add the filter it will categorize the nearest places and users can jump easily into their findings.

Why Did I add another “Add place” button?

Nowadays phones come with a big screen and it requires hand stretching to reach some places. If a user reaches to end of the cards and filter menu, and still didn't find what they were looking for, then they can use the “add a place” button without stretching their hand all the way top.

Small device consideration

The cards will cover almost half of the screen even if we decrease the font size. Like this, we can make the map responsive for small devices.

View the map without any distraction.

The cards will be hidden when the users will interact with the map. So that users can view and analyze the map without any distraction.


With a few scripted questions, I started interviewing the first user. Then I added a few more questions for my next 6 user interviews. I interviewed 7 people in total who often or occasionally travel for purpose of business or holidays. I didn’t want to bias user interviews, that’s why I didn’t make any assumptions about what our user pain point would be before conducting the interviews. I would like to highlight two questions from the interview.


What do you notice when booking a room?

​Why is your hotel location important?

​These were some highlights from our interview but there are lot more stories I heard from them. Now it's time to analyze and find some common patterns in their experience.

Airbnb App - Improved Map

See where you will stay with a better experience


Based on user insights I have created two personas to define the focus group and user problem to understand their overall experience and their way of decision making. It will help me to understand the reason behind their decision-making.



I have categorized my collection of data into a few groups which helped to find the common pattern between users' travel and room booking experience. Now I can easily find users' pain points.


From empathizing with users I understand that the hotel location is very important and there are a few issues they face when they choose a hotel location. Like they want their hotel to be closer to their activity area so that they can save transportation costs. Some want their hotel to be closer to the transportation area. Some want their hotel closer to various types of stores.


Airbnb helps travelers to rent a space. People who travel on the purpose of Vacation or work are Airbnb's targeted users. I decided to improve the user experience of the work-purpose travelers. So, I conducted interviews with a few users and find out that hotel/place location is very important to them. Airbnb has a map and with improvement, it was ready to solve the focused user's problem. This was a personal project.

Project Overview


UX Designer


Improve Airbnb map to help users to find the perfect place to stay.


Airbnb has a map that is focused on this problem. I have analyzed the current design of the Airbnb map, to find out what’s wrong with the current design? or how can I improve the design to solve this focused problem?


​To find out possible solutions, I created a close-up story about how the users might use or interact with the app. It gave me a lot of insights and ideas to create possible solutions.

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